My name is Dallas Thompson, and this is my eighth year teaching at Centennial Arts Academy. I love teaching, and fifth grade is my favorite!
I graduated from North Georgia College & State University in 2006 with a dual degree - Early Childhood Education and Special Education. I also received my Reading Endorsement in that same year. Later, in 2011, I received my Gifted Endorsement. It is a blessing to be able to use all of the education I have in my every day classroom teaching.
In addition to teaching, I also have been a co-coach for the Reading Bowl team for the last few years. I love reading, and this has been a fun venture to go along with being a classroom teacher! Mrs. Anglin, our media specialist, is an amazing head coach, and we enjoy working together! Last year, our team won first place in the state competition! How exciting! (You can find a list of Reading Bowl titles on the front page in the sidebar.)
I live in Gainesville with my husband, Josh, and our son, Ashton. Josh works with technology for the Hall County Courts system. He is, without a doubt, the smartest man I know!
Ashton will be in fifth grade this year. Oh my, he’s growing up so fast! (Your parents feel the same way about you!) It's hard to believe he's finally in 5th grade with me!
We have lots of animals. We can’t help it - we love them! We have two sweet doggies, Jaqq and Peanut, and two kitties - Chewie, who is 8, and our brand new kitten, Alastor. You'll probably see lots of pictures of them this year.
I have also recently returned from a mission trip to Costa Rica, a Central American nation. I left right after school got out and spent a week there. I was there, along with Mrs. Woodall, to work with people who are victims of modern-day slavery and people who are just, in general, very very poor. Last summer, I went on mission to the country of Zambia in Africa. Mrs. Woodall was on this trip with me too! We traveled to the capital city, Lusaka, and visited children in three crisis centers there. Then we traveled for about 6 hours on a VERY bumpy bus ride to a very rural town called Siavonga and worked with children in an orphanage there. My time in both countries was AMAZING! You can see pictures on this website.
My favorite things are reading and eating chocolate. I have spent the last several years of my life diving into books and trying to read as much as possible so I can recommend books for YOU. My favorite books when I was your age were the Nancy Drew books, Bunnicula, Number the Stars, and Bridge to Terabithia. Have YOU ready any of MY favorites?
There are a few things I really DON’T like: seagulls, seafood, and bad spelling! So use a dictionary, leave the birds at home, and serve me anything but fish, and we’ll get along great!
I can’t wait to have a GREAT year with all of you!
Mrs. Thompson
http://www.kathyerskine.com/Kathryn_Erskine/Home.html (referenced on 4/4/11 entry)
I graduated from North Georgia College & State University in 2006 with a dual degree - Early Childhood Education and Special Education. I also received my Reading Endorsement in that same year. Later, in 2011, I received my Gifted Endorsement. It is a blessing to be able to use all of the education I have in my every day classroom teaching.
In addition to teaching, I also have been a co-coach for the Reading Bowl team for the last few years. I love reading, and this has been a fun venture to go along with being a classroom teacher! Mrs. Anglin, our media specialist, is an amazing head coach, and we enjoy working together! Last year, our team won first place in the state competition! How exciting! (You can find a list of Reading Bowl titles on the front page in the sidebar.)
I live in Gainesville with my husband, Josh, and our son, Ashton. Josh works with technology for the Hall County Courts system. He is, without a doubt, the smartest man I know!
Ashton will be in fifth grade this year. Oh my, he’s growing up so fast! (Your parents feel the same way about you!) It's hard to believe he's finally in 5th grade with me!
We have lots of animals. We can’t help it - we love them! We have two sweet doggies, Jaqq and Peanut, and two kitties - Chewie, who is 8, and our brand new kitten, Alastor. You'll probably see lots of pictures of them this year.
I have also recently returned from a mission trip to Costa Rica, a Central American nation. I left right after school got out and spent a week there. I was there, along with Mrs. Woodall, to work with people who are victims of modern-day slavery and people who are just, in general, very very poor. Last summer, I went on mission to the country of Zambia in Africa. Mrs. Woodall was on this trip with me too! We traveled to the capital city, Lusaka, and visited children in three crisis centers there. Then we traveled for about 6 hours on a VERY bumpy bus ride to a very rural town called Siavonga and worked with children in an orphanage there. My time in both countries was AMAZING! You can see pictures on this website.
My favorite things are reading and eating chocolate. I have spent the last several years of my life diving into books and trying to read as much as possible so I can recommend books for YOU. My favorite books when I was your age were the Nancy Drew books, Bunnicula, Number the Stars, and Bridge to Terabithia. Have YOU ready any of MY favorites?
There are a few things I really DON’T like: seagulls, seafood, and bad spelling! So use a dictionary, leave the birds at home, and serve me anything but fish, and we’ll get along great!
I can’t wait to have a GREAT year with all of you!
Mrs. Thompson
http://www.kathyerskine.com/Kathryn_Erskine/Home.html (referenced on 4/4/11 entry)