standards-based grading system
4 = Exceeds the Standard
3 = Meets the Standard
2 = Progressing Toward the Standard/Does Not Meet
1 = Little Evidence of Meeting the Standard/Does Not Meet
3 = Meets the Standard
2 = Progressing Toward the Standard/Does Not Meet
1 = Little Evidence of Meeting the Standard/Does Not Meet
descriptors for each grade
4 - Exceeds the Standard
"Full Accomplishment" The student uses the appropriate strategies to correctly meet the standards. Ideas and evidence of work go above teacher expectations for the task. This student shows clear understanding. Communication is judged by effectiveness, not length. May have minor errors. |
3 - Meet the Standard
"Proficient Accomplishment" The student could work to full accomplishment (a 4) with minimal feedback from the teacher. Errors are minor, so the teacher is confident that understanding meets the standard and accomplishes the desired educational goal. |
2 - Progressing
"Partial Accomplishment" Part of the task is accomplished, but there is lack of evidence of understanding, or there is evidence that the student does not understand. This student needs more direct instruction from the teacher in order to be successful. |
1 - Needs Improvement
"Little Accomplishment" The task is attempted and some academic effort is made. There may be small pieces of accomplishment, but little or no success is evident. This student will require more direct instruction from the teacher to be successful. |
As always, feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you have a question about your child's grades or progress.