Congrats to CAA's Reading Bowl team for placing first in the divisional competition! We are headed to state in two weeks!
Hi families!
Well, last week was a wash! We did get a lot done on Friday in reading, math, and science, so THANK YOU to everyone who sent your kids in to school!
We are moving into a VERY busy week, so read carefully!
Field Trip
Our field trip from last week to the Atlanta History Museum for the Civil War exhibit has been moved to THIS THURSDAY (2/26). We leave at 8:30 am and will return by 1:30. We will eat lunch when we get back to school, but we have parents who are providing a special snack for the trip down there so the kids aren't starving! :) The permission slips you have already turned in are valid for this trip even though it's been rescheduled. If you still haven't turned in your child's permission slip, please do so by Wednesday.
Our trip to Atlanta in April is becoming more finalized by the day! We are going on Monday, April 27th to Atlanta! We will visit the Georgia Aquarium and the Delta Museum, and we will stop at the Varsity for dinner! We are using Daniels Charters & Tours to plan our trip for us. The first deposit is coming up very quickly - students will need to pay $20 by THIS FRIDAY (2/27) in order to go. If there's no deposit, your child cannot go on the trip. If you have any questions about this, please let me know.
Parents who wish to chaperone must submit an application. Let me know if you want to be considered. It is possible that not all parents who wish to go will be able to go depending on the number of applicants. The cost for parents is $99 with $55 due this Friday. Please contact me ASAP if you wish to chaperone. Please note that chaperones are held to all expectations and rules as students - no stopping anywhere off the planned route, no souvenirs or spending money, etc.
Coming Up This Week
- Mon, 2/23: Math HW page (R) 15-1
- Tues, 2/24: Number the Stars test; GMS Band info during activity; Math HW page (R) 15-3
- Wed, 2/25: Need a hanger for math class; permission slips for History Musem due; Math HW (R) 15-4
- Thurs, 2/26: Field trip to Atlanta History Museum; Math HW (R) 15-5
- Fri, 2/27: $20 deposit due for big Atlanta trip in April; Math test (2-D shapes); Science test
My homeroom students are with me for one more week of our skills/focus classes. We'll be catching up on reading we missed from last week and doing a little extra math for this week!
Reading & Writing
We are finishing up our Number the Stars novel unit this week! We have loved learning more about this time in history (Holocaust and WWII), and the characters of Annemarie and Ellen have become very dear to us! We will test on Tuesday. We will spend the rest of the week practicing a skill that is very difficult for the students - reading two passages on the same topic and then discussing how the comprehension of one passage impacts the understanding of the other. We will be reading about the history of Hawaii in these passages!
Students will continue to write about what they read, and we will also be working on affixes (prefixes and suffixes) and comma rules! Both are pretty tough topics for 5th graders.
We will be working with 2D shapes this week - focusing on the hierarchy of shapes and how different quadrilaterals relate to each other. We took notes on this on Friday of last week to help us prepare for this week. We will be asking ourselves questions like this: Is a parallelogram always a rectangle? Is a square also a rectangle? Is a rectangle also a square? Students will have to use attributes of these shapes to help them answer these questions. We'll be working primarily with quadrilaterals (4 sided polygons) and triangles (3 sided polygons). Students will need a hanger for our activity on Wednesday. Don't worry - we won't tear it apart or destroy it in any way - and it will come home to you eventually! We will use it to help us organize the hierarchy of shapes. Test this Friday.
Students will spend this week with Mrs. Hawkins finishing up their unit on earth science. They will test on Friday.
Movie This Week
This week, we'll be watching the movie Ruby Bridges to prepare us to start our Civil Rights unit next week. We'll watch it on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons (we won't have science or social studies those two days because on Wednesday, Mrs. Hawkins has the field trip, and on Thursday, we're eating lunch during that time when we return from the field trip). We will finish up on Friday morning if needed. You have already sent in your signed permission for this movie at the beginning of the year. I love this movie, and I bet your students will too!