Dear families,
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Our 9/11 care packages have been mailed off, and I am loading pictures to the website. A huge THANKS to everyone who sent in items! We had such an overflow of items that we were able to also bless local police and fire departments with snacks as a thank-you for their service to our community.
Here's a look at our week:
School Events
Mon, 9/16 My homeroom CCRPI session (see Social Studies below for more details)
Tues, 9/17 My homeroom library visit
Wed, 9/18 Crazy Sock Day for CURE ($1 or any donation)
Thurs, 9/19 PTA at 6
Fri, 9/20 POW due (all language arts classes); Essay due (my LA class only); Family Trees due (social studies classes only); Main Idea quiz (reading); Chick-Fil-A biscuits ($2.50); Fair Street Peace Parade at 9:30
(My homeroom)
Check out the social studies website to view resources and download notes! www.5socialstudies.weebly.com
We are wrapping up our Changing Nation unit. To read more about the standards, click the "Social Studies" page at the top and look for SS5H3.
Monday: CCRPI with Mr. Williamson, then learning about Spanish-American War (President William McKinley) and the Panama Canal (President Theodore Roosevelt)
*CCRPI stands for College & Career Readiness Performance Index. This basically means that students will begin looking at possible careers and college options. There will be six sessions total, and these will take place over the course of the school year. The first session will begin with a video and discussion facilitated by Mr. Williamson, our counselor.
Tuesday: Learn about inventors: Wright Brothers (flight, first airplane), George Washington Carver (science, farming innovations, 200+ inventions from the peanut), Thomas Edison (lightbulb, generating electricity), Alexander Graham Bell (communication, telephone); also discuss Carnegie Steel and Charles Lindbergh
Wednesday: Be an innovator! Choose an invention from this time, use the SCAMPER method of critical thinking to improve it; work on study guide
Thursday: Changing Nation Test - multiple choice, map, essay questions
Friday: Present Family Trees in small groups
Test: Thursday, September 19.
POW Topic: A trip I've taken... *change from original plan*
Monday: Brainstorm.
Tuesday: Detail sentences.
Wednesday: Topic and concluding sentences.
Thursday: Final Copy.
Friday: Proofread
*POW time is from 7:25 - 7:45 each morning. If your child is not in homeroom during this time (or comes in later than 7:25), then he or she likely misses time to work on the POW. It is highly recommended that if a student misses work time on any day of the week, he or she should complete that particular day's assignment for homework. This ensures that those students don't have to complete the entire packet on Thursday night. (We know that's no fun!)
Students will choose one of the POW topics from this year so far and turn it into an essay. Topics to choose from:
Essay is due this Friday, 9/20.
HOMEWORK: Read 30 minutes every day.
*This week, Reading 1 and Reading 2 are working on the same standards this week.
Essential Question
How do I find the main idea of a nonfiction text?
RI.5.2. Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.
Monday: Whole Group
What's the difference between fiction and nonfiction? What do they have in common?
What's the difference between the main idea and supporting details?
How are the main idea and supporting details of a nonfiction text like a table?
*Daily practice at the beginning of each class - read a short nonfiction text, determine the main idea
Instructional Conversation, or IC
Read nonfiction text, "Christopher Columbus." Create a main idea table for each section of the passage. Use Close Reading strategies for the text to determine significant details.
Literature Circles
Create a 5-finger summary for the book
Assignment #1: Edmodo - main idea assignment (read an article, determine main idea and supporting details)
Assignment #2: Kidblog - read other students' blogs and comment on them (remember Mustache commenting guidelines - must ask a question or make a connection)
Independent Work
Read nonfiction text, "Urban Jungle," about zoos. Create main idea tables for paragraph 2 and paragraph 3.
Read & Respond
Complete a DEAR for their independent reading books
Main idea quiz on Friday, 9/20
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Our 9/11 care packages have been mailed off, and I am loading pictures to the website. A huge THANKS to everyone who sent in items! We had such an overflow of items that we were able to also bless local police and fire departments with snacks as a thank-you for their service to our community.
Here's a look at our week:
School Events
Mon, 9/16 My homeroom CCRPI session (see Social Studies below for more details)
Tues, 9/17 My homeroom library visit
Wed, 9/18 Crazy Sock Day for CURE ($1 or any donation)
Thurs, 9/19 PTA at 6
Fri, 9/20 POW due (all language arts classes); Essay due (my LA class only); Family Trees due (social studies classes only); Main Idea quiz (reading); Chick-Fil-A biscuits ($2.50); Fair Street Peace Parade at 9:30
(My homeroom)
Check out the social studies website to view resources and download notes! www.5socialstudies.weebly.com
We are wrapping up our Changing Nation unit. To read more about the standards, click the "Social Studies" page at the top and look for SS5H3.
Monday: CCRPI with Mr. Williamson, then learning about Spanish-American War (President William McKinley) and the Panama Canal (President Theodore Roosevelt)
*CCRPI stands for College & Career Readiness Performance Index. This basically means that students will begin looking at possible careers and college options. There will be six sessions total, and these will take place over the course of the school year. The first session will begin with a video and discussion facilitated by Mr. Williamson, our counselor.
Tuesday: Learn about inventors: Wright Brothers (flight, first airplane), George Washington Carver (science, farming innovations, 200+ inventions from the peanut), Thomas Edison (lightbulb, generating electricity), Alexander Graham Bell (communication, telephone); also discuss Carnegie Steel and Charles Lindbergh
Wednesday: Be an innovator! Choose an invention from this time, use the SCAMPER method of critical thinking to improve it; work on study guide
Thursday: Changing Nation Test - multiple choice, map, essay questions
Friday: Present Family Trees in small groups
Test: Thursday, September 19.
POW Topic: A trip I've taken... *change from original plan*
Monday: Brainstorm.
Tuesday: Detail sentences.
Wednesday: Topic and concluding sentences.
Thursday: Final Copy.
Friday: Proofread
*POW time is from 7:25 - 7:45 each morning. If your child is not in homeroom during this time (or comes in later than 7:25), then he or she likely misses time to work on the POW. It is highly recommended that if a student misses work time on any day of the week, he or she should complete that particular day's assignment for homework. This ensures that those students don't have to complete the entire packet on Thursday night. (We know that's no fun!)
Students will choose one of the POW topics from this year so far and turn it into an essay. Topics to choose from:
- My favorite subject in school
- The season I'd most like to have all year
- In school, I do my best when...
- Something I'm good at
- The best birthday gift
Essay is due this Friday, 9/20.
HOMEWORK: Read 30 minutes every day.
*This week, Reading 1 and Reading 2 are working on the same standards this week.
Essential Question
How do I find the main idea of a nonfiction text?
RI.5.2. Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.
Monday: Whole Group
What's the difference between fiction and nonfiction? What do they have in common?
What's the difference between the main idea and supporting details?
How are the main idea and supporting details of a nonfiction text like a table?
*Daily practice at the beginning of each class - read a short nonfiction text, determine the main idea
Instructional Conversation, or IC
Read nonfiction text, "Christopher Columbus." Create a main idea table for each section of the passage. Use Close Reading strategies for the text to determine significant details.
Literature Circles
Create a 5-finger summary for the book
Assignment #1: Edmodo - main idea assignment (read an article, determine main idea and supporting details)
Assignment #2: Kidblog - read other students' blogs and comment on them (remember Mustache commenting guidelines - must ask a question or make a connection)
Independent Work
Read nonfiction text, "Urban Jungle," about zoos. Create main idea tables for paragraph 2 and paragraph 3.
Read & Respond
Complete a DEAR for their independent reading books
Main idea quiz on Friday, 9/20