Dear families,
Thanks for sending in such beautiful family treees! We enjoyed sharing and listening on Friday. It was a great way to end a short week. Now we're back to a full five-day week, and we've got lots of stuff going on.
This Week
October Service Project
Our class is partnering with Mrs. Weiser's class to do a coat drive for homeless and needy adults in Gainesville. There are often many coat drives for children, but we are serving those adults who are in need since the cold season is coming upon us. Please go through your closets and send in any coats and blankets that you are no longer using but are still in good condition. *We need large boxes to collect our coats in. If you have access to any, please let me know! Thanks!
My homeroom students will be with Mrs. Hawkins for the next two weeks for science. They'll be studying microscopes, measurement in science (mL), sum of parts, and states of matter (solid, liquid, gas).
Thanks for sending in such beautiful family treees! We enjoyed sharing and listening on Friday. It was a great way to end a short week. Now we're back to a full five-day week, and we've got lots of stuff going on.
This Week
- Tues, 10/21: Report Cards come home
- Wed, 10/22: One & Done money comes in this week (through Friday)
- Thurs, 10/23: Shurley English Chapter 3 Test
- Fri, 10/24: Math Test (multiplication and division of whole numbers)
- Tues, 10/28: Fall school pictures
- Thurs, 10/30: Step & Musical performances @ 8:25 and 9:20
- Fri, 10/31: Halloween (we will not have a party, but we can eat treats while we work)
October Service Project
Our class is partnering with Mrs. Weiser's class to do a coat drive for homeless and needy adults in Gainesville. There are often many coat drives for children, but we are serving those adults who are in need since the cold season is coming upon us. Please go through your closets and send in any coats and blankets that you are no longer using but are still in good condition. *We need large boxes to collect our coats in. If you have access to any, please let me know! Thanks!
- RL.5.3. Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., how characters interact).
- RI.5.3. Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text.
- Buddy Work: Read "A Fierce Dog Debate" and discuss how certain ideas from the article relate to one another
- Exercise Your Brain: Read an article about Minecraft and Legos. How are they alike? How are they different?
- All By Myself: Continue reading choice boards (RI.2 to review main idea)
- Reading Online: Webquests on animal tails
- "Are These Chips Too Delicious?"
- "Minecraft Mania"
- "Wouldn't It Be Great to Have a Tail?"
- "A Fierce Dog Debate
- books on snakes
- One for the Murphy's
- Compare and contrast paragraphs
- Chapter 3 (Lessons 4-5 this week, plus a review on Wednesday)
- Prepositional phrases; single and plural nouns
- Test on Thursday
- NBT.6 Find whole-number quotients of whole numbers with up to four-digit dividencs and two-digit divisors using strategies based on place value, properties of equations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
- Buddy Work: Division Crossword puzzles
- Exercise Your Brain (Mrs. Thompson): Multiplication and division tasks
- All By Myself: Long division practice
- Math Online: IXL H.13
My homeroom students will be with Mrs. Hawkins for the next two weeks for science. They'll be studying microscopes, measurement in science (mL), sum of parts, and states of matter (solid, liquid, gas).