Dear families,
Another brisk weekend! I love it! I hope your weekend was restful and enjoyable. There were lots of Halloween activities in and around Hall County this weekend, too. Were any of you participating in those? We had a big campfire this weekend to roast hotdogs and marshmallows. It was fantastic on a cold night!
FalCan Food Drive
We are continuing the FalCan Food Drive (collecting canned and boxed goods for needy families) through Friday, November 8th. So far, CAA has raised over 1,000 food items! The office had to call the Falcons to tell them to come pick up those cans early; our bins are full!
We are having a friendly competition with the other 5th grade classes to see who can bring in the most cans. So far, we have 69. Mrs. Weiser is in the lead with about 150 cans. While I don't want to encourage students to drive up your grocery bill in order to beat someone else, I do want to encourage their giving spirit. So give what you can. If you've given, you're not obligated to continue! Thanks for all of your support in this endeavor.
My class has been invited to walk to the Guest House THIS Thursday on Halloween. Our class is working on writing spooky stories to read to the elderly guests who stay there during the day. They have prepared some special treats for us as well as an art project. We will leave around noon and plan to return by 2:15. This will be in lieu of a Halloween party in my classroom.
School Events
Mon, 10/28 No Science or Social Studies; 5th Grade Writing Test Practice #1
Tues, 10/29 My homeroom library visit
Thurs, 10/31 My Homeroom's Field Trip to The Guest House (no costumes, please - fall attire is fine) and Spooky Stories due!
Fri, 10/25 POW due (all language arts classes); Figurative Language assessment in reading; WWI Test (Mrs. May's class)
(Mrs. May's homeroom)
Check out the social studies website to view resources and download notes! www.5socialstudies.weebly.com
Mrs. May's class is wrapping up the WWI unit. For more information, click the "Social Studies" tab at the top and look at SS5H.4.a.
Tuesday: SS5H4.a - Explain the impact of the Treaty of Versailles. Also learn about the League of Nations.
Wednesday: Complete study guide. Play BAZINGA to review!
Friday: WWI TEST
Test: THIS Friday, November 1.
POW Topic: What if kids were in charge?
Monday: Brainstorm.
Tuesday: Detail sentences.
Wednesday: Topic and concluding sentences.
Thursday: Final Copy.
Friday: Proofread/edit.
Shurley English: Chapter 9
Skills: Indirect Object (who receives the direct object: Mom baked me a cake. Mom baked a cake for whom? Me - indirect object); quotation marks
*We are also working on our Passion Projects for #geniushalfhour in my class. The "Genius Hour" movement is sweeping the education world, allowing kids to spend part of their day working on something they are truly curious/ passionate about. We are going to be finishing up Shurley English very soon, so we plan to spend the rest of our time researching for our Passion Projects. I'll be sending home more information about this soon.
Monday: Passion Project - work in computer lab (trello, KWHLAQ, begin research)
Tuesday: Chapter 9 Lesson 1 - indirect objects
Wednesday: Chapter 9 Lesson 2 - indirect objects and quotation marks
Thursday: Chapter 9 Lesson 2 - classroom practice
Friday: Chapter 9 Lesson 3 - indirect objects and quotation marks
HOMEWORK: Read 30 minutes every day.
Essential Questions
How can we interpret figurative language in a text?
How can we determine the theme of a story based on how a character changes?
Common Core ELA Standards for Reading 1 and Reading 2
*Standards in bold are the main focus for the week. All other standards are being reviewed, but not necessarily assessed.
Literary (Fiction)
RL.5.4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as metaphors and similes.
RL.5.1. Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
RL.5.2. Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text.
RL.5.6. Describe how a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view influences how events are described.
Informational (Nonfiction)
RI.5.9. Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.
Gifted Standards for Reading 1
ARS1. The student investigates topics of interest and selects appropriate research tools and methods.
ARS2. The student formulates original and appropriate questions when researching.
ARS3. The student develops and uses systematic procedures for recording and organizing information.
ARS4. The student documents and cites references and resources.
ACS2. The student produces written and/or oral work, including products and presentations, that is complex, purposeful, organized, and that synthesizes information appropriately.
ACS3. The student participates in small group discussions and supports and defends his/her own opinions while respecting the opinion of others.
HOCTS2. The student responds to questions with supporting information that reflects in-depth knowledge of a topic.
HOCTS4. The student examines an issue from more than one point of view.
HOCTS5. The student draws conclusions based upon relevant information while discarding irrelevant information.
Monday: Whole Group
#1: Practice locating and explaining figurative language found in short stories (including but not limited to simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, alliteration, allusion). Read "Princess Penelope" and locate several examples of figurative language and discuss their meanings.
Standards: RL.4
#2: Read "Following Boo" and "The Fountain of Youth: Fact or Fiction?" Stop and discuss how Nate's character changes throughout the story.
Standards: RL.1, RL.2, RI.9, HOCTS2
Instructional Conversation, or IC
#1: Read figurative language story, "Dad's Barbecue." Find examples of figurative language and discuss their meanings.
Standards: RL.4, HOCTS2
#2: Reread "Following Boo" and "The Fountain of Youth: Fact or Fiction?" Answer close reading questions and critical thinking questions.
Standards: RL.1, RL.2, RI.9 HOCTS 2, 4, 5
Literature Circles
We are continuing to work on literature circles. This is the final day of lit circles for the books they are currently reading. We will switch titles next week. On this last day, students in Reading 1 have a research project to complete, and students in Reading 2 have a day to catch-up on any work they are missing or want to improve.
Reading 1 texts: Queen Anne's Revenge, For a Good Cause, and Eye on the Universe
Reading 2 texts: Big Digs, the Body in Motion, and Fossil Tales
Standards: RI.1, RI.2, RI.3, ACS2-3, CPS2, CPS4
#1: Edmodo Quiz on a figurative language story, "Grace's Canoe Trip"
#2: Edmodo Quiz on "Following Boo" and "The Fountain of Youth: Fact or Fiction?"
Independent Work
Reread "Are These Chips Too Tasty?" and "A Bloody History." Complete the "Connecting Texts" and "Summarizing" activities.
Standards: RI.1, RI.2, RI.9, HOCTS2
Figurative Language Assessment
THIS Friday, November 1
Another brisk weekend! I love it! I hope your weekend was restful and enjoyable. There were lots of Halloween activities in and around Hall County this weekend, too. Were any of you participating in those? We had a big campfire this weekend to roast hotdogs and marshmallows. It was fantastic on a cold night!
FalCan Food Drive
We are continuing the FalCan Food Drive (collecting canned and boxed goods for needy families) through Friday, November 8th. So far, CAA has raised over 1,000 food items! The office had to call the Falcons to tell them to come pick up those cans early; our bins are full!
We are having a friendly competition with the other 5th grade classes to see who can bring in the most cans. So far, we have 69. Mrs. Weiser is in the lead with about 150 cans. While I don't want to encourage students to drive up your grocery bill in order to beat someone else, I do want to encourage their giving spirit. So give what you can. If you've given, you're not obligated to continue! Thanks for all of your support in this endeavor.
My class has been invited to walk to the Guest House THIS Thursday on Halloween. Our class is working on writing spooky stories to read to the elderly guests who stay there during the day. They have prepared some special treats for us as well as an art project. We will leave around noon and plan to return by 2:15. This will be in lieu of a Halloween party in my classroom.
School Events
Mon, 10/28 No Science or Social Studies; 5th Grade Writing Test Practice #1
Tues, 10/29 My homeroom library visit
Thurs, 10/31 My Homeroom's Field Trip to The Guest House (no costumes, please - fall attire is fine) and Spooky Stories due!
Fri, 10/25 POW due (all language arts classes); Figurative Language assessment in reading; WWI Test (Mrs. May's class)
(Mrs. May's homeroom)
Check out the social studies website to view resources and download notes! www.5socialstudies.weebly.com
Mrs. May's class is wrapping up the WWI unit. For more information, click the "Social Studies" tab at the top and look at SS5H.4.a.
Tuesday: SS5H4.a - Explain the impact of the Treaty of Versailles. Also learn about the League of Nations.
Wednesday: Complete study guide. Play BAZINGA to review!
Friday: WWI TEST
Test: THIS Friday, November 1.
POW Topic: What if kids were in charge?
Monday: Brainstorm.
Tuesday: Detail sentences.
Wednesday: Topic and concluding sentences.
Thursday: Final Copy.
Friday: Proofread/edit.
Shurley English: Chapter 9
Skills: Indirect Object (who receives the direct object: Mom baked me a cake. Mom baked a cake for whom? Me - indirect object); quotation marks
*We are also working on our Passion Projects for #geniushalfhour in my class. The "Genius Hour" movement is sweeping the education world, allowing kids to spend part of their day working on something they are truly curious/ passionate about. We are going to be finishing up Shurley English very soon, so we plan to spend the rest of our time researching for our Passion Projects. I'll be sending home more information about this soon.
Monday: Passion Project - work in computer lab (trello, KWHLAQ, begin research)
Tuesday: Chapter 9 Lesson 1 - indirect objects
Wednesday: Chapter 9 Lesson 2 - indirect objects and quotation marks
Thursday: Chapter 9 Lesson 2 - classroom practice
Friday: Chapter 9 Lesson 3 - indirect objects and quotation marks
HOMEWORK: Read 30 minutes every day.
Essential Questions
How can we interpret figurative language in a text?
How can we determine the theme of a story based on how a character changes?
Common Core ELA Standards for Reading 1 and Reading 2
*Standards in bold are the main focus for the week. All other standards are being reviewed, but not necessarily assessed.
Literary (Fiction)
RL.5.4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as metaphors and similes.
RL.5.1. Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
RL.5.2. Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text.
RL.5.6. Describe how a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view influences how events are described.
Informational (Nonfiction)
RI.5.9. Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.
Gifted Standards for Reading 1
ARS1. The student investigates topics of interest and selects appropriate research tools and methods.
ARS2. The student formulates original and appropriate questions when researching.
ARS3. The student develops and uses systematic procedures for recording and organizing information.
ARS4. The student documents and cites references and resources.
ACS2. The student produces written and/or oral work, including products and presentations, that is complex, purposeful, organized, and that synthesizes information appropriately.
ACS3. The student participates in small group discussions and supports and defends his/her own opinions while respecting the opinion of others.
HOCTS2. The student responds to questions with supporting information that reflects in-depth knowledge of a topic.
HOCTS4. The student examines an issue from more than one point of view.
HOCTS5. The student draws conclusions based upon relevant information while discarding irrelevant information.
Monday: Whole Group
#1: Practice locating and explaining figurative language found in short stories (including but not limited to simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, alliteration, allusion). Read "Princess Penelope" and locate several examples of figurative language and discuss their meanings.
Standards: RL.4
#2: Read "Following Boo" and "The Fountain of Youth: Fact or Fiction?" Stop and discuss how Nate's character changes throughout the story.
Standards: RL.1, RL.2, RI.9, HOCTS2
Instructional Conversation, or IC
#1: Read figurative language story, "Dad's Barbecue." Find examples of figurative language and discuss their meanings.
Standards: RL.4, HOCTS2
#2: Reread "Following Boo" and "The Fountain of Youth: Fact or Fiction?" Answer close reading questions and critical thinking questions.
Standards: RL.1, RL.2, RI.9 HOCTS 2, 4, 5
Literature Circles
We are continuing to work on literature circles. This is the final day of lit circles for the books they are currently reading. We will switch titles next week. On this last day, students in Reading 1 have a research project to complete, and students in Reading 2 have a day to catch-up on any work they are missing or want to improve.
Reading 1 texts: Queen Anne's Revenge, For a Good Cause, and Eye on the Universe
Reading 2 texts: Big Digs, the Body in Motion, and Fossil Tales
Standards: RI.1, RI.2, RI.3, ACS2-3, CPS2, CPS4
#1: Edmodo Quiz on a figurative language story, "Grace's Canoe Trip"
#2: Edmodo Quiz on "Following Boo" and "The Fountain of Youth: Fact or Fiction?"
Independent Work
Reread "Are These Chips Too Tasty?" and "A Bloody History." Complete the "Connecting Texts" and "Summarizing" activities.
Standards: RI.1, RI.2, RI.9, HOCTS2
Figurative Language Assessment
THIS Friday, November 1