Dear Parents,
I hope everyone enjoyed the long MLK weekend. What a brave and wonderful example we have in Dr. King. We look forward to studying more about him soon during our Civil Rights unit!
Let's take a look at what's happening during this 4-day week.
School Events
Tues, 1/21 My homeroom library visit
Wed, 1/22 School Governance Council Meeting, 2:30
Fri, 1/24 District Reading Bowl Competition (cheer for Eli P, Ben, and Allison in my homeroom!)
(My homeroom)
We are starting our WWII unit! The kids love this unit; it's full of so much interesting historical information. We are also starting the read aloud book, Number the Stars by Lois Lowry. It tells the story of a Danish family protecting a Jewish girl who is best friends with one of their daughters. The Nazis discover them on several occasions and describes resistance attempts by young Danish citizens. Although it is a fictional story, it depicts many true events from this time in history.
Tuesday: SS5H6.a Describe Germany's aggression in Europe and Japan's aggression in Asia. Students will discuss what they know about WWII; we will discuss truths and misconceptions. Students will watch a BrainPop video, WWII Causes.
Wednesday: SS5H6.b Describe Pearl Harbor; SS5H6.e Describe the changing role of women and African-Americans. Watch history.com videos and fill out changing roles activity sheet.
Thursday: SS5H6.e Describe the affects of rationing.
Friday: SS5H6.b Describe major events in the wary in both Europe and the Pacific; include Iwo Jima, D-Day, VE and VJ Days.
POW Topic: WE ARE FINISHED WITH POW FOR THE YEAR! We will continue to write essays in language arts classes. From now on, morning work will be different for each language arts teacher.
No Shurley English
Morning Work
Students need to write 4 informational essays over the next 7 weeks. They will have a list of topics to choose from.
Language Arts Class
We are creating magazines for the lower grade students. Students will be put into groups to create the magazines. Each student will work on a specialized role as a part of their magazine team. Students will be working on these magazines for the next two weeks.
HOMEWORK: Read 30 minutes every day.
Common Core ELA Standards for Reading 1
RL.5.6. Describe how a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view influences how events are described.
Phase 1: Book Hooks
Mr. Bryan, our student teacher, will be reading Holes by Louis Sacchar as a read aloud for the next couple of weeks.
Phase 2: Conference Questions
Who is narrating the book you are reading? How does the narrator feel about the events being described? How can you tell? (RL.6)
Phase 3: Student Choices
HOMEWORK: Read 30 minutes every day.
Common Core ELA Standards for Reading 2
RI.5.6. Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent.
Small Groups
I hope everyone enjoyed the long MLK weekend. What a brave and wonderful example we have in Dr. King. We look forward to studying more about him soon during our Civil Rights unit!
Let's take a look at what's happening during this 4-day week.
School Events
Tues, 1/21 My homeroom library visit
Wed, 1/22 School Governance Council Meeting, 2:30
Fri, 1/24 District Reading Bowl Competition (cheer for Eli P, Ben, and Allison in my homeroom!)
(My homeroom)
We are starting our WWII unit! The kids love this unit; it's full of so much interesting historical information. We are also starting the read aloud book, Number the Stars by Lois Lowry. It tells the story of a Danish family protecting a Jewish girl who is best friends with one of their daughters. The Nazis discover them on several occasions and describes resistance attempts by young Danish citizens. Although it is a fictional story, it depicts many true events from this time in history.
Tuesday: SS5H6.a Describe Germany's aggression in Europe and Japan's aggression in Asia. Students will discuss what they know about WWII; we will discuss truths and misconceptions. Students will watch a BrainPop video, WWII Causes.
Wednesday: SS5H6.b Describe Pearl Harbor; SS5H6.e Describe the changing role of women and African-Americans. Watch history.com videos and fill out changing roles activity sheet.
Thursday: SS5H6.e Describe the affects of rationing.
Friday: SS5H6.b Describe major events in the wary in both Europe and the Pacific; include Iwo Jima, D-Day, VE and VJ Days.
POW Topic: WE ARE FINISHED WITH POW FOR THE YEAR! We will continue to write essays in language arts classes. From now on, morning work will be different for each language arts teacher.
No Shurley English
Morning Work
Students need to write 4 informational essays over the next 7 weeks. They will have a list of topics to choose from.
Language Arts Class
We are creating magazines for the lower grade students. Students will be put into groups to create the magazines. Each student will work on a specialized role as a part of their magazine team. Students will be working on these magazines for the next two weeks.
HOMEWORK: Read 30 minutes every day.
Common Core ELA Standards for Reading 1
RL.5.6. Describe how a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view influences how events are described.
Phase 1: Book Hooks
Mr. Bryan, our student teacher, will be reading Holes by Louis Sacchar as a read aloud for the next couple of weeks.
Phase 2: Conference Questions
Who is narrating the book you are reading? How does the narrator feel about the events being described? How can you tell? (RL.6)
Phase 3: Student Choices
- Continued independent reading
- Passion project
- Creative writing (write your own book)
- Computer programming
- Online books and videos
- Edgenuity (reading)
HOMEWORK: Read 30 minutes every day.
Common Core ELA Standards for Reading 2
RI.5.6. Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent.
Small Groups
- Instructional Conversation: Read multiple accounts of how earthquakes are caused according to ancient oral traditions. Analyze their similarities and their differences. Create a Venn diagram and write about the texts.
- Computer: Take a Study Island test on RL.6, Point of View. Take at least 15 questions.
- Mr. Bryan: Read the book Holes by Louis Sachar.
- Mr. B: Read the debate in Scholastic News, "Let Students Miss School for Vacation?" Students will discuss the points of view, then they will write their opinion paragraph.