Dear Families,
We have reached the end of February... yet I feel like we barely just started it! Wow, time is zooming by so quickly!
Thanks to everyone who sent in money for our "ONE and DONE!" Fundraiser last week! Our class has a goal to raise $225, and we are only $45 away! We will have a donut breakfast for the whole class on Wednesday morning to celebrate. If you haven't sent in a donation yet, there's still time! They are not due until Tuesday morning. Every little bit helps, so thank you very much!
We have a full week this week, with picture day, reading work, preparing for the state writing assessment... whew! I'm tired just thinking about it. Have no worries, we are going to have some fun with all of it, too!
But before we get to the details of the upcoming week, let me take a moment to congratulate Centennial's Reading Bowl team! They competed on Saturday in the Northern Divisional competition. In that competition, we were one of the top 12 teams in the state of Georgia. After a grueling 5 rounds, the students from CAA came in first place! Only the first place team advances to represent the northern division at the state competition. This is the first time a Centennial team has made it to state finals! Congratulations to all of them: Allison, Ben, Eli P. (all my homeroom), Jocelyn, Amy, Marisa, James Michael, Wiley, and Connor! They will compete in the state finals on Saturday, March 8th.
School Events
Tues, 2/25 My homeroom library visit: "ONE and DONE!" Fundraiser $$ due
Wed, 2/26 Italian Ice $2 due
Thurs, 2/27 PICTURE DAY! Class pictures, so look nice :) Happy birthday, Nalani!
Fri, 2/28 Italian ice delivered; Happy birthday, Hannah! And...maybe Chick-Fil-A biscuits? It's not on the official calendar, so I'm not 100% certain. I'll let you know when I am.
NONE THIS WEEK - nor will we have any science classes. We will have extra ELA classes this week.
POW Topic: WE ARE FINISHED WITH POW FOR THE YEAR! We will continue to write essays in language arts classes. From now on, morning work will be different for each language arts teacher.
No Shurley English
Morning Work
Students need to write 4 informational essays to be turned in on 3/10. They will have a list of topics to choose from. *Other language arts classes are working on a narrative story this week!
We finished our magazines! They both look great. Other classes will judge the magazines so we can see which team, Magazine A or Magazine B, is the preferred final product. We will have a rematch in March.
This week, we'll have two ELA periods each day. We'll begin the lesson in the morning during our regularly scheduled ELA time, then we'll continue the lesson in an extra 45 minutes in the afternoon during our regularly scheduled science/social studies block. We're going to do a little extra refining and practice for writing to get us ready for the state assessment next week!
Here are the lessons we'll focus on:
Monday: how to write a "circular closing"
Tuesday: how to write a step-by-step informational essay
Wednesday: elaborating in writing
Thursday: using dialogue in narrative writing
Friday: evaluate sample essays from years past using the state writing rubric (the same rubric we use to grade their essays)
HOMEWORK: Read 30 minutes every day.
Common Core ELA Standards
RL.5.2. Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text
RI.5.2. Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.
RL.5.1. Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Phase 1: Book Hooks (7:45 - 8:05)
Mr. Bryan, our student teacher, will be reading Holes by Louis Sacchar as a read aloud for the next couple of weeks.
Phase 2: Independent Reading (8:05 - 8:35)
Students will work on nonfiction close reading skills a few mornings, then they will move into independent reading time.
Monday: "Eyewitness to History: Children of War"
Tuesday: "A Leaping Birthday"
Friday: OAS assessment using "Eyewitness to History: Children of War"
Phase 3: Student Choices (8:35 - 9:00)
HOMEWORK: Read 30 minutes every day.
Common Core ELA Standards
RL.5.2. Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text
RI.5.2. Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.
RL.5.1. Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
This week, all students will be working whole group during part of their reading time to review theme and main idea. We will practice using several passages, and students will take an assessment on Friday.
Students will also be doing activities for the book Holes with Mr. Bryan.
Passages for this week:
Monday: "Eyewitness to History: Children of War"
Tuesday: "A Leaping Birthday"
Wednesday: "Thirty Minutes Alone"
Thursday: "Healing Paws"
Friday: Assessment using "Eyewitness to History: Children of War"
We have reached the end of February... yet I feel like we barely just started it! Wow, time is zooming by so quickly!
Thanks to everyone who sent in money for our "ONE and DONE!" Fundraiser last week! Our class has a goal to raise $225, and we are only $45 away! We will have a donut breakfast for the whole class on Wednesday morning to celebrate. If you haven't sent in a donation yet, there's still time! They are not due until Tuesday morning. Every little bit helps, so thank you very much!
We have a full week this week, with picture day, reading work, preparing for the state writing assessment... whew! I'm tired just thinking about it. Have no worries, we are going to have some fun with all of it, too!
But before we get to the details of the upcoming week, let me take a moment to congratulate Centennial's Reading Bowl team! They competed on Saturday in the Northern Divisional competition. In that competition, we were one of the top 12 teams in the state of Georgia. After a grueling 5 rounds, the students from CAA came in first place! Only the first place team advances to represent the northern division at the state competition. This is the first time a Centennial team has made it to state finals! Congratulations to all of them: Allison, Ben, Eli P. (all my homeroom), Jocelyn, Amy, Marisa, James Michael, Wiley, and Connor! They will compete in the state finals on Saturday, March 8th.
School Events
Tues, 2/25 My homeroom library visit: "ONE and DONE!" Fundraiser $$ due
Wed, 2/26 Italian Ice $2 due
Thurs, 2/27 PICTURE DAY! Class pictures, so look nice :) Happy birthday, Nalani!
Fri, 2/28 Italian ice delivered; Happy birthday, Hannah! And...maybe Chick-Fil-A biscuits? It's not on the official calendar, so I'm not 100% certain. I'll let you know when I am.
NONE THIS WEEK - nor will we have any science classes. We will have extra ELA classes this week.
POW Topic: WE ARE FINISHED WITH POW FOR THE YEAR! We will continue to write essays in language arts classes. From now on, morning work will be different for each language arts teacher.
No Shurley English
Morning Work
Students need to write 4 informational essays to be turned in on 3/10. They will have a list of topics to choose from. *Other language arts classes are working on a narrative story this week!
We finished our magazines! They both look great. Other classes will judge the magazines so we can see which team, Magazine A or Magazine B, is the preferred final product. We will have a rematch in March.
This week, we'll have two ELA periods each day. We'll begin the lesson in the morning during our regularly scheduled ELA time, then we'll continue the lesson in an extra 45 minutes in the afternoon during our regularly scheduled science/social studies block. We're going to do a little extra refining and practice for writing to get us ready for the state assessment next week!
Here are the lessons we'll focus on:
Monday: how to write a "circular closing"
Tuesday: how to write a step-by-step informational essay
Wednesday: elaborating in writing
Thursday: using dialogue in narrative writing
Friday: evaluate sample essays from years past using the state writing rubric (the same rubric we use to grade their essays)
HOMEWORK: Read 30 minutes every day.
Common Core ELA Standards
RL.5.2. Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text
RI.5.2. Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.
RL.5.1. Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Phase 1: Book Hooks (7:45 - 8:05)
Mr. Bryan, our student teacher, will be reading Holes by Louis Sacchar as a read aloud for the next couple of weeks.
Phase 2: Independent Reading (8:05 - 8:35)
Students will work on nonfiction close reading skills a few mornings, then they will move into independent reading time.
Monday: "Eyewitness to History: Children of War"
Tuesday: "A Leaping Birthday"
Friday: OAS assessment using "Eyewitness to History: Children of War"
Phase 3: Student Choices (8:35 - 9:00)
- Continued independent reading
- Creative writing (write your own book)
- Write computer code
- Choice literature circles
- Jackie Robinson's Barriers essay contest
HOMEWORK: Read 30 minutes every day.
Common Core ELA Standards
RL.5.2. Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text
RI.5.2. Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.
RL.5.1. Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
This week, all students will be working whole group during part of their reading time to review theme and main idea. We will practice using several passages, and students will take an assessment on Friday.
Students will also be doing activities for the book Holes with Mr. Bryan.
Passages for this week:
Monday: "Eyewitness to History: Children of War"
Tuesday: "A Leaping Birthday"
Wednesday: "Thirty Minutes Alone"
Thursday: "Healing Paws"
Friday: Assessment using "Eyewitness to History: Children of War"